Thursday, October 30, 2008
yesterday was my last session with my maths tuition teacher, Mr Foo.
all i have to say is, i'll miss him dearly and i will always be grateful for his patience, guidance and wisdom. lols.
btw, he is 70+ yrs old if im not wrong o.o
such an elderly man like him still working as a teacher even though he has retired lols.
passion for teaching i guess and i admire him for tt.
oo and thamhin just told me to stay strong. THX LOADS lmao.
anywayyyy, when we quarrelled(not violently of course lols) over maths questions and when he knew tt i was frustrated inside, all he did was to keep quiet and continued to teach.
b4 the whole session was over, all was well again.
even though i disappointed him over and over again, nv once did he scold me.
He still patiently continued to teach me and encouraged me to strive for the better.
when i finally achieved both distinctions for mathematics and a-maths for the prelims, he was..happy lols.
it simply brought smiles to my face and satisfaction when i could make an old man like him proud.
but nevertheless he told me to not be complacent.
during this period of the O lvls, he still calls to ask about the paper i did.
sadly, i cldnt tell him confidently tt i wld still get a distinction for a-maths. =/
but he still encouraged me time and again.
He was one of my sources of inspiration and strength - teaching me not only through mere words but by his actions as well.
im glad tt i had a teacher like him and i will always be grateful.
Thank you. (: